Living and studying in Florence

Firenze is a small town if compared to other European cities, but hasa very busy artistic life. It is full of tourists from all over the world thewhole year and the rather “southern” climat offers many days ofsunshine even both in Fall and Winter seasons. Situated in the veryheart of the Italian penisula you will be just a couple of hours awayfrom Milano, Venezia and Roma (by the fast trains) and almost nextdoor with Pisa, Lucca, Perugia and Siena.There are many cultural events in many different fields, but musicand visual arts are (of course) the main ones. Therefore, alas, living in small town Firenze may be a bit expensive, as renting rooms and other expenses will be those of a major European capital city. Studying Opera in Firenze gives you the opportunity to get in contact with the very roots of the Italian “belcanto” stile, as you will not only hear in the conservatory rooms but also in the clearly articulated perfect diction of the Florentine people.

Student Life

Student life at the Cherubini Conservatory may be very exciting as weoften cooperate with other Insitituions of our town, such as theUniversity of Firenze or the Accademia delle Belle Arti. We produce quite a large number of performances, from small recitals in some palaces or museum concert rooms until bigger events on stage.


We can offer some assistance in finding a room to rent, yet we oftensuggest to come a few days earlier and have a direct “look” on themany different offers (and prizes!) you may find. Often it is by meeting other students in Firenze that you can find some special opportunities that aren’t easy to discover online.More info?…