MAA 2. Opera production experience: collaborative piano

Period of the EOA module in 2024-2025:

January – February – March 2025

Period of production: 
  • Opera: Tancredi/Rossini
  • Location: Asta Theater
  • Conductor: Federico Santi
  • Ensemble of musicians of Conservatorium Maastricht
  • First rehearsal: 13/01/25
  • Two generals rehearsal with the public: 23/02/25 – 24/02/25
  • Two performances: 25/02/25 – 26/02/25

Gain hands-on experience as a repetiteur in a fully staged opera. Learn the craft under the baton of maestro Federico Santi and work closely together with the conductor and singers during the rehearsal process to gain insight into the life of an opera pianist.

Title to be performed: 


Open for:

  • 1 or 2 piano students or conducting students with a pianistic background.

The coaching includes:

  • working with a professional conductor/director
  • a professional stage director individual vocal coaching on style, interpretation and applied technique by our vocal staff.
  • language coaching (depending on the language of the programmed opera)

Names of the professors of this module:

  • Musical Director: Federico Santi
  • Conductor: Federico Santi
  • Stage director: TBC
  • Vocal coaches: Yvonne Schiffelers, Susanne Schimmack, Axel Everaert.

Possible extras besides the module

  • Individual coaching, the possibility to participate in non-opera group and individual lessons as an accompanist.

Number of teaching/production hours of the EOA module

  • 20-30 hours a week of production rehearsals


Via the application form on the EOA website. Keep in mind that you will need to include:

  • CV
  • Motivation letter
  • Videos: 2 pieces accompanying a singer

Final Examination:

  • The piano dress rehearsal
  • Evaluation and feedback from the musical director
  • Certificate of Participation


Teaching language and the Required level of language

English will be the primary language, so the ability to fluently communicate is necessary.

Total expenses of the EOA module per student and what is included /excluded in this price

Available through Erasmus, living costs are to be covered by the applicant.

Deadline for applications

  • 1st deadline: 08 April 2024
  • 2nd deadline: 15 September 2024


Deadline for expected answers:

  • 1st deadline: 01 June 2024
  • 2nd deadline: 15 October 2024

MAA 1. Performance of a role in a fully staged opera with orchestra

Period of the EOA module in 2024-2025:

January – February 2025

Period of production: 
  • Opera: Tancredi/Rossini
  • Location: Asta Theater
  • Conductor: Federico Santi
  • Ensemble of musicians of Conservatorium Maastricht
  • First rehearsal: 13/01/25
  • Two generals rehearsal with the public: 23/02/25 – 24/02/25
  • Two performances: 25/02/25 – 26/02/25

Description of the EOA module:

Perform a leading role in an opera. A complete opera production, starting with comprehensive musical rehearsals led by maestro Federico Santi followed by an intensive staging period, and resulting in performances of the complete work with orchestra.

This module will focus on the cohesion between musical style and stagecraft, allowing for character development from two different perspectives. The final performance should result in a fully realised character, both vocally and acting-wise.

Open for:

  • Max 1 singer from the EOA can participate, next to our own singing and acting students.

Title to be performed: 

Tancredi by G. Rossini

Kind of voice and role:

  • Tenor.
  • Role: Argirio

The module includes:

  • working with a (professional) conductor
  • a professional stage director
  • First 6 weeks include 15 hours of training by main subject teachers and opera coach.
  • Next 6 weeks working on the production

Names of the professors of this module:

  • Musical Director: Federico Santi
  • Conductor: Federico Santi
  • Stage director: TBC
  • Vocal coaches: Yvonne Schiffelers, Susanne Schimmack, Axel Everaert.

Possible extras besides the module:

  • individual vocal coaching on style, interpretation and applied technique by our vocal staff.
  • workshop dealing with artistic entrepreneurship, self-promotion via social media and branding will be offered. This will give young artists the tools and skills to develop their artistic careers and bring classical music to the core of society.


Number of teaching / production hours of the EOA module:

  • 20-30 hours of production rehearsals per week


Via application form in EOA website. Keep in mind you will need to include:

  • CV
  • Repertoire list
  • 2 Videos. NOTE: Repertoire for the application upon your choice.

Final Examination:

Permanent Artistic Evaluation + Public performance

Teaching language and Required level of language:

Working language will be English; the ability to work and rehearse with ease in English is required.

B2 level according to CEFR.

Total expenses of the EOA module per student and what is included / excluded in this price

Available through Erasmus. Living costs to be covered by applicant.

Deadline for applications:

  • 1st deadline: 08 May 2024
  • 2nd deadline: 15 October 2024

Deadline for expected answers: 

  • 1st deadline: 01 June 2024
  • 2nd deadline: 15 October 2024